Heal. Thrive. Conquer.
Heal. Thrive. Conquer.
If you are struggling in your life and need someone to talk to you have come to the right place. As an energy healer, life and wellness certified coach I work with many people who are finding a lack of emotional support among family and friends and feel they have no where to turn and no one to talk to who understands their situation. Many of my clients feel that finding someone who understands and will listen as well as help them navigate their situation was challenging.
Healing begins when you find that special someone to talk with who can help you unravel the chains that hold you hostage and help you move you forward with support and understanding. Someone who believes in you can make all the difference during a crisis and propel you on your healing journey. Everyone should have someone they can trust and confide in but not everyone does and that's where I can help.
My mission is to be there for those seeking understanding and freedom from any situation that causes pain or conflict which prevents you from enjoying your life and feeling safe. My specialty as an abuse survivor is toxic relationships involving bullying, abuse, shame as well as the discovery of family secrets which many times have physical repercussions such as chronic pain and drug addiction. As a survivor of narcissistic abuse and scapegoating within my own family I understand first hand the pain of this type of betrayal. Many of my clients have long to have a close bond with their family of origin only to discover that generational patterns of violence and substance abuse prevent any chance for loving and open communication. Families plagued by this toxicity are ruled by one or more narcissistic parent and their tool of choice is control through fear, gas lighting, denial and projection setting up a dynamic similar in all of one's future relationships.
It is never too late to break free and to heal.
Common symptoms of abuse involve feeingl like an emotional wreck, paralyzed by inaction or confused and being unable to understand the source of your anxiety. If you feel you might be in a toxic relationship or suffering from codependency from childhood abuse/trauma you have come to the right place. Do you feel distrustful of others? Are you suffering from chronic pain, weight gain or unexplained illnesses? Have you been diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes? Do you feel the joy that you once felt in life has slipped away? If you answered yes, you are likely involved or have been involved with an abuser and the odds are good that you do not even realize that you are being abused. As an abuse survivor I understand what you are experiencing. I will support and help you navigate the steps necessary in order to break free from the chains of trauma bonding so typical of abusers and help you heal your mind, body and spirit.
My name is Lynn and I am here to help you heal. My mission is to help my clients understand and heal from the physical and emotional effects of trauma and the mind spinning tactics of abusers.
Do you feel no matter how hard you try, conversations with others steer off in a hurtful, confusing and exasperating direction with you being told you’re to blame? Do you feel you need to abandon your own true feelings in order to gain the approval, love or acceptance of another? Does someone you love rage at you for seemingly no reason and then blame you for their actions? Do you feel intense anger and confusion yet you are unsure as to why you feel so unsettled?
Becoming trapped in the cycle of abuse can feel as if one has been swallowed up in the vortex of a crushing, violent dark storm. Many of my clients report feeling as if they are being brutalized by some unseen evil force. Many said they felt paralyzed and so trapped by fear they were unable to make any life changes. Many said they felt helpless as they watched their life, energy,
Finances and relationships torn to pieces. Some of the main warning signals of emotional abuse include the feeling of being relentlessly criticized, feeling minimized, confusion and a feeling of being unhinged or losing one’s sanity.
I understand firsthand the painful emotions of anxiety and shame created by the behaviors of abusers. Let’s call abusers what they are, BULLIES! What makes abusers so powerful is that the majority come in the form of people we love and trust. It is because we love and trust them that we believe they would not intentionally hurt us. Intent, is the hallmark of identifying an abuser. To understand how a person gets entangled with an abuser one need only look as far as one’s own childhood.
I understand firsthand the pain of growing up in a dysfunctional, abusive, alcoholic and scapegoating oriented environment where secrecy, lies and denial overpower one’s reality, right to their own sense of decision making and feelings of safety.
Science has proven being raised in an emotionally or physically abusive home has devastating health related consequences. Feeling trapped in toxic relationships predisposes one to subconsciously continue to seek out toxic people and substances. These relationships typically mimic the same chaotic and unpredictable past family of origin dynamics. If it’s all you know, then there you will go.
I can help you understand and break free from these chains and create the life you were designed by Source the Creator to live. You deserve to be free.
Understanding the nature of emotional abuse, narcissistic abuse syndrome as well as emotional and physical addictions resulting from childhood abuse/relational bullying and trauma is the KEY to recovery. CPTSD is common among victims of abuse. CPTSD is a natural biological response to an ongoing threatening or perceived threatening environment.
I help my clients identify the root cause of painful behaviors, emotions and addictions in order to help them heal. The road from darkness to light is a long journey. I have been in this dark place. My life’s purpose is to help others find their way out, have the strength to walk away from toxic people, places or things in order to heal. You have a God given right to live free from pain and to say, “No more, I deserve better.”
Understand that you are not alone. Many of my clients have found themselves in a moment of panic with no one to talk to and have reached out for immediate relief. I remember that dark place. If you are feeling alone, scared, anxious, depressed or hopeless, I am here to listen and to help. I have been in your shoes and I know what you’re feeling. You are NOT alone.
I have studied and analyzed the behavior of bullies, and I am a life coach for the victim. My goal is to help you get back on your feet and succeed in life. I genuinely want to help people and be there for them whenever needed, at any point in their life.
If I can survive, I am sure even you can too.
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